Maybe you could cite some statistics - this was one of the things that struck me when I started my mental exit - when 'in', I was always hearing about the ever-increasing numbers 'flocking' to Jehovah's table (gag), but the reality is far different - JWs are, in fact, a high turn-over religion. Here is an interesting link:
So, why would anyone want to exit such a 'wonderful organization'? That could be a segue into the actual experience of the exit, such that the organization is a quasi-Mafia type organization where you can join but you can never really leave...(I think it might be good to get into print the all-important change in the BAPTISMAL QUESTIONS - I am almost certain 98% of most Witnesses haven't got a clue what happened there and the repercussions of same)
I would also stress that the projection of a certain image is of paramount importance to the heirarchy of the organization, over and above any concern for individual members and that the cracks in that image are starting to become ever more evident due to (and then name all the issues) etc. etc. etc. Parallels between the heirarchy of the Catholic Church, which the Witness roundly condemn at every opportunity, and their own multi-level 'marketing' (LOL) system might be apropro as well.
Also make mention of this board, undergrounds at the various Bethels (of which I have also heard), AWJRB, and the fact that all of these groups must remain anonymous - that in itself is a very chilling and telling fact.
Just my 2c. Too bad you've only got 2500 words! There is just SO MUCH......
CONGRATULATIONS and I look forward to your article with keen anticipation! Thanks so much for this!